The Choirboys were a band formed in 1978 by three school friends from South Belfast. Ian Kilpatrick (drums), Arthur Stitt (guitar) and Colin Rainey aka Rain (guitar). Having been bitten by the punk bug and heavily influenced by The Clash, Buzzcocks, Wire and Rudi (not to mention Bowie, T Rex and Sparks) and being avid listeners of John Peel, they formed the band. Ian originally played guitar but being a big Topper Headon fan moved to drums having sold his guitar to Colin, to buy his first drum kit. The boys were augmented by Paul Heaney on bass and Paul Aughey on vocals whose previous band was the Destructors.

The songs were written by Arthur and had the punk pop class of Rudi and others that were reminiscent of Wire. Titles included ‘Instant Hit’ and ‘Closest View’. Another song written by Ian was Tough Girls aka Millies. Covers played were The Ramones ‘Lets Dance’, ‘Lowdown’ and ‘Ex Lion Tamer’ by Wire and 'Teenage Kicks’ by the Undertones.

Rehearsing initially in Arthur’s garage (until the Police came) and upstairs at the Aghalee Bar (until an elderly neighbour threatened calling the Police) they moved to the rehearsal space at the Crescent Centre. Gigs were played in Youth clubs and church halls and being friends with Stuart Bailie and Alan Giddings of Acme they played a couple of memorable gigs at the Clonduff community centre. They also managed to get a support slot with Ruefrex at the Tyndale community centre. The Choirboys were also part of the lineup that played at the day long Bangor punk festival at Castle Park, on 30th June 1979. Other acts on the bill included Acme, Fifth Column, Reostate, Stoney Ground, Midway, Shock Treatment & Dark Tower.

Paul Aughey quit the band to get married and he was replaced by Arthurs cousin, Stephen. The band finally called it a day in 1979 with Arthur going on to form Ego Trip and Ian joining Trademark. From there Ian went on to join Doomed Youth and Arthur and Colin formed the glam punk band Kitesville often supporting Doomed Youth.

Ian, Arthur and Colin moved to London in 1984 and continued musically with Love Gun 45. Today they still play music together in the Shangrilads and haven’t lost touch with their early love of punk music. Check out YouTube for some of their music.

If anyone has any further information or photographs of this band, then please contact Spit Records via


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