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Graffiti were formed in Derry/Londonderry back in January 1980. The line up was -
Patricia Duffy – Vocals, Paul (PJ) McCartney - Guitar/ Vocals, Tom Doherty - Drums
Owen Booth - Bass Guitar/ Vocals. Martin McDaid would join the band later that year on guitar to thicken up the mix and Owen was replaced by Alfie Johnson in early 1981.

Influences included Siouxsie And The Banshees, X-Ray Spex, Patti Smith, The Clash, Gang Of Four, UK Subs and the Ramones. Original songs included “Spain”, “Two Minute Love” “Love Is Creeping In”, “Death March”, “Dodos”, “What Am I Supposed To Do?”, “Lesley”, “Quarter Past Eleven” and “Its A Carnival”. Graffiti also incorporated covers of  “Identity” by X-Ray Spex and “Living For The City” by Stevie Wonder into their live sets.

Initial gigs were supporting the Idol Threats in Masons Bar as they were the only people who would put the band on at the time. Graffiti also played a few youth clubs and community centre gigs too.

By 1981 the band had put out a home recorded cassette called “The Marlene Tapes” and also that year they made an appearance on the Derry/Londonderry edition of the BBC 2 programme Something Else (see clip below). 1981 also saw Graffiti play their first gigs in Belfast alongside bands such as Stalag 17 and Re’bel at The Manhatten.  Graffiti also played support slots in other locations with The Moondogs, The Outcasts and Control Zone from Omagh. The band also contributed 3 tracks to the unreleased local compilation Postcard From Abroad produced by Colm Arbuckle. Around this time Tommy was replaced at the drum stool by Julie Arbuckle (Colm's daughter).

Further band members included a second female vocalist called Rhona Desmond and at one point they were joined by Gerry McCandless on synthesiser after the the Moondogs split.

After Graffiti broke up Paul (PJ) McCartney worked on a few songs with Gerry Mc Candless (ex Moondogs) before Paul and Tom put together the first incarnation of Bam Bam And The Calling. Patricia moved to Manchester and put together an all female band called Something Shady in the late 1980s. Martin and Alfie more or less wound down the music thing after Graffiti as did Owen Booth who sadly died a few years ago after a long period of health issues.

On 29th March 2022 Spit Records released Shellshock Rockers Vol. 3, a compilation CD of previously unreleased tracks, all salvaged from old cassette tapes. This compilation featured Graffiti track 'Descriptions' recorded live in 1980.


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