Heavenly Bodies formed in late 1985 and were Dessie Potter (vocals / guitar,) William Maxwell, (guitar) Tom Coulter (bass), Mike Scott (keyboards / backing vocals), + drum machine.
Something of a Belfast Post Punk super group, with Dessie Potter having previously strutted his stuff with Stage B, Mike Scott and William Maxwell had both trod the boards with Déjà Vu and Tom Coulter had been a member of Ruefrex. Tom having joined later, replacing the drum machine.
They were highly influenced by bands such as The Danse Society and The Mission. Dessie’s unique vocal style and their Goth soundtrack made them out of step with the local Belfast mainstream at the time although the band would never have been happy in the mainstream anyway.
The band recorded several songs at Matrix Studios in Kircubbin and these later surfaced on both Helden Fanzine cassette albums. "A Cut Above The Rest”, released in 1987, featured the tracks ‘Sacrament’ and ‘Heavenly Bodies’. Two further tracks appeared on the the "Lunatics And Madmen” compilation album. This, possibly something to do with the fact that guitarist William ran the fanzine!
Heavenly Bodies disbanded towards the end of 1986. Dessie and Mike went on to form The Rose Garden.
If anyone has any further information or photographs of this band, then please DO get in contact via spit77to82@aol.com