The Napalm Kids formed in 1984 from the ashes of the mainly punk covers band Liar (See elsewhere on this site of further info on this band).
The Napalm Kids were Patrick O’Neill – Guitar, Stephen McGreevy Bass, McGreevy – Guitar,Buzz O’Brien – Vocals (Current vocalist and Sax player with Irish Ska Band ‘Boss Sounds Manifesto’) and Barney Carson on drums.
The band had a heavier – thrashier sound.They played faster and louder than Liar and the band began to write their own material, with songs such as ‘There’s A Liar On My TV’ (ironically about what we now call fake news!) and the Hilarious pastiche of the then ‘Spandax Rock Bands’ “Blood Guts Anguish Heaven and Hell”. A really rough tape recording of a Napalm Kids practice session from 1985 is all that survives.
The band split in 1985 and were the nucleolus of what would become the Donnelly Brothers, who would move in the completely different direction musically, from thrash punk to indie pop!