Pathos were a three-piece formed in Downpatrick in late 1977. They were Lenny Burns, guitar, vocals and songwriter. Lenny adopted the pUnK name “Pat Headache”, say it fast in a southern Irish accent. Lenny had placed an advert in the NME and bought a £70 guitar from his Ma's club book (see above). Soon he’d recruited Danny Skeffington, bass and Phillip Hynds on drums. Danny bought his bass in Smithfield Market and Phillip was givin’ an old second hand drum kit with only one cymbal but no cymbal stand, so they put it on top of a yard brush held on by a corkscrew! They practiced every Sunday in Danny's dad's garage and a set was hastily put together, consisting of Punk covers by The Sex, Pistols, The Stranglers and originals such as ‘Downtown Rapist’ " Vacuum Cleaner Abortion" ( inspired by the Pistols "Bodies") "Joyce McKinney" & ” Who Stole Charlie Chaplin?”.

The band only played a handful of gigs before disbanding in mid 1978, when Lenny’s two band mates split to join a County ’n’ Western combo! However, before that they did manage to play a handful of local gigs, including their secondary school disco and McLeigh's pub in Ballynoe. Their last hurrah/riot was in the Downpatrick festival marquee, as Lenny explains “We played Sham 69's ‘Ulster’ in our set and as there were a few IRA boys in the crowd, and perhaps I shouldn't have, I said 'This is for all the cunts at the front ruining the country’. Especially as it was only a few months after we played the Sash as the Easter March went passed by en route to the graveyard. We were all RC (loosely speaking) boys but mad as matters . Terri Hooley offered us a gig in the Harp supporting The Outcasts but our Drummer wouldn't go as there was no money in it”.

If anyone has any further information or photographs of this band, then please DO get in contact via


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