In 1982 The Vedettes (Alan Mairs vocals, Ricky Monds bass, Gary Kirby drums and Nigel Charlesworth guitar) morphed into True Colours adopting a style more akin to Duran Duran and other bands of the era. Recruiting several keyboard players including John Clarke and George Beavis, the band gigged extensively around Ireland, appearing on TV shows on BBC Northern Ireland and RTE.
True Colours also made regular forays to London playing the Marquee Club (in support to Silent Running) and The Venue (with Ten Past Seven and The Bankrobbers). Two songs recorded at Homestead Studios ‘Faraway’ and ‘If You Only Had A Heart’ secured the band a publishing deal with Chapel Music and a Radio One session on the Janice Long Show.
Despite a lot of interest, the elusive record contract never materialised and the band subsequently broke up in 1984.
If anyone has any further information or photographs of this band, then please DO get in contact via